Friday, May 21, 2010

Wearing the Skirt

I bought this skirt over a year ago in the hopes that I would fit into it very soon. Well, very soon is finally here!
I know it isn't a good photo but I was so excited I had to share!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Weigh In

Forgot to post on Monday - 700g loss this week! This takes me down to 107.5kg, which is a mere 100g heavier than the lowest weight I got to last year before I lost the plot and started eating jam doughnuts again. 100g!!!

I'm off to visit some friends in Townsville at the end of July, and I've set myself the challenge of being under 100kg before I go. Good luck to me!

Thursday, May 13, 2010


I woke up this morning with an awful sinus headache - I get them fairly regularly which is very annoying! So, while I was sitting at home feeling sorry for myself and wishing the pain away, I thought I'd take my measurements since I haven't done that in a while...


Neck - 35.5cm (-1.5)
Upper Arm - 41cm (-0.5)
Chest - 119cm (-7)
Waist - 108.5cm (-4.5)
Hips - 132.5cm (-5)
Upper Leg - 73.5cm (-1)
Calf - 43.5cm (0)

So, that brings me to a total of 553.5cm, and I've lost 19.5cm! Wohoo!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Weigh in Day

Alas, I stepped on the scales (bleary eyed as my boyfriend wanted to know how I'd done before he left for work (at 5.45am!). And sadly I am the same as I was last week.

This is okay, I had a big loss last week, and this will give me the drive to try even harder this week!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mothers Day Classic - 8km

My friend Esther and I just completed the 8km walk for the Mothers Day Classic which raises money for Breast Cancer Research. Next year, I'm totally running!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

10kg Goal Smashed!

I have smashed that 10kg lost! In fact, I'm now at 10.8kg lost! Wohoo! I'm feeling pretty proud of myself I must say. Go me!

My reward to myself for this awesome milestone was a set of headphones that will not fall out of my ears when walking / running / ellipticalling... That's what the picture is. I got them in the mail last week, then put them aside until I reached 10kg. I wore them on the walk to work this morning and was most pleased with myself the whole way! Sennheiser PX200 II is the brand and they fold up like sunglasses. This makes me excited. Very excited.

Yesterday, to celebrate my 10kg milestone, I did a Step class - which is swear is designed to nearly kill me. It is great though, I feel it afterwards! Alas my gym doesn't have this class on at a time when I can normally go (yesterday was Labour Day up here in QLD so I got the day off to do such exciting things as go to the step class at my gym). This class is so worth the effort though that I'm thinking of sorting something out so I can leave work a little early once a fortnight and get to the 5.30pm class on a Tuesday...