Friday, October 31, 2008

Stereotypes of Women

Something I think about often is the connection between weight and beauty, and also about what is considered beautiful, and by that I mean what aspects of you go towards making you beautiful.

One of my favourite rant topics is about the stereotyping of women, especially those who work. My regular argument goes that you can be one of the following and that is all:
  1. a working woman who doesn't want children & therefore a cold, mean, cruel bitch. Lives only for career and will screw you over to get ahead.
  2. a working woman who eventually wants children & therefore to be pitied if she has no husband, or no career prospects as she's just waiting to quit when baby comes along
  3. a working woman who has children. Now, there are two stereotypes here, she's either the mother who wants to stay home but has to work and is therefore kind, caring, loving and to be pitied; or, she wants to work and is therefore cold, cruel hearted and a bitch.

You may wonder what I'm getting at with this, and I apologise if this post is a bit rambling and unclear. I just get frustrated that I have to fit into one of these categories when none suit me. At the moment, I have no children and no plans for children. That doesn't make me heartless. My mother thinks that I am too harsh on my society, and that I am the only one who sees things as this black and white and unfair.

I don't really have a point to make today. I'm just whinging really. I like my job, I like working, I like the achievement. If I ever do have children, I don't think I would be selfish to decide to continue with my career. This is just bothering me today for some reason.

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