Tuesday, March 3, 2009

And I'm back...

So, it's taken a bit longer than planned, but I am back. I went back to my meeting last night and I'm eating my points again as of yesterday. I had gained 800g through my insane couple of months of this year but that is okay as I am going to lose it again and more!

My first goal is to stick to it this week. I don't have to lose all that 800g in one week, I just need to stick to the plan. I've been keeping up my C25K somewhat as well - I'm on week 4 now, 3rd workout this morning but I'm not quite ready for week 5 just yet so I'll keep with week 4 a little longer.

I'm back and my motivation is seeping back through me - it is an amazing feeling! It's funny but the last straw was Sunday just gone - I had a very bad food day (despite having gotten up and gone running that morning). I ate so much crap that day - my major downfall being those yum cha kits from the frozen section at the supermarket. I woke up Monday with what I can only describe as a food hangover and decided that enough was enough.

I have a goal and I'm going to make it there!

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