I read a
blog today that talked about consequences. And it led me to think about the consequences of me not following through and losing weight. So, here are some of the consequences I would face:
- heart disease at a young age. I am 28 now, I don't want to have a heart attack at 40.
- sleep apnea. I already have this, and it will not go away until I lose weight - in fact it will just get worse, to the point where I will not be able to sleep without a machine pushing air through my nose at night.
- diabetes. how much longer can I keep serious illness such as diabetes at bay? My boyfriend's brother has diabetes (childhood, not weight related) and it has a huge impact on his life. I don't want that, not when I can avoid it by simply losing weight.
- if I am this weight when I have children, I won't be able to play with them the way I want to, and even worse, I may not be around to watch them grow up.
There are more, a lot more. I sometimes wonder if food is a bit like a drug addiction for me. When I fall off the wagon, I really fall. I eat more than I ate before, and worse. I repress the part of my brain that is objecting to this behaviour. I don't really understand how addiction works, but it really is all-encompassing when that is all you can think about.
I need to be negative sometimes, focus on the negatives of failure rather than the positives of success. I need that fear to motivate me as well as the expected joy of the future. It may not work for everyone, but this works for me.
I'm going to post photos next week, I probably won't have lost 10kg yet (after the excesses of the last couple of weeks) but I want to post more, it is about time!