Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Bad Week

Last week on Tuesday morning I dropped my beloved man at the airport to fly off to some mine in the middle of nowhere for two weeks for work. All was going fine that day still. Then I ate my lunch. About 30 minutes later I started feeling unwell, it just got worse and worse, so I went home. And then my vegetarian week went to hell. I tried to get back on track, and then it went to hell again. So I gave up. Unfortunately I also gave up on counting points, or even trying to make good choices, until Sunday became my worst binge eating day since I restarted this journey at the beginning of January. I chose to not weigh in on Monday morning because I knew it wouldn't be pretty and I wanted to start my week on a positive not a negative. Unfortunately I also woke up with a headache, which quickly got worse, then much, much, much worse (I haven't had a migraine since I was a teenager but this sure came close). I'm pretty bad at controlling intake when I'm not feeling 100%. I totally ate badly yesterday as well.
Today I am back at work. I have what I am describing as a "headache hangover". I have a headache still, not as bad, and I feel fuzzy and out of it today. But, I've remembered why I am on this journey this morning, and am tracking again today. I have had toast with jam for breakfast and a skinny flat white (without sugar - I have finally found a coffee shop that makes coffee so well that I have no need of the sugar! and it is right downstairs from my office!). So that's 3.5 points for the toast and 1.5 points for the coffee. 5/24 thus far.
This evening I think I will make a pie with filo pastry and take it over to my little brother's house for dinner - his girlfriend decided to call it quits on their relationship this morning and I want to go and cheer him up!
Now, I just want this headache to go away... and my darling man to come home... he was going to come home on Friday this week but then his parents asked if he wanted to go and stay with them for a couple of days (he has to go home via Townsville on the way back from the mine) and so I told him he totally should go and hang out with his parents (they are truly awesome and I dragged him down to Brisbane with me and away from their awesomeness so he should definitely to see them). So I won't have my back-up conscience back until next week so am going to have to rely on myself this week. Go me!

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