Monday, October 5, 2009


I know I'm being melodramatic, but I am cranky so I want to vent and I have decided that my blog is the best place to do that!
A few weeks ago (actually, in August), I (stupidly) joined a gym near my work. It is a large chain gym. I thought I could go before work and it would be good. Unfortunately I didn't, and I don't want to be going to a gym at the moment, I want to focus on my C25K running and getting started with WW - I may join a gym again down the track but definitely not this one.
I went in last week to cancel - I need to give them 4 weeks notice you see. I couldn't because the "Customer Service Officer" wasn't there, and wouldn't be until next week. So, I went in today to cancel. Oh no, the "Customer Service Officer" still wasn't there but I could make an appointment. At this point I got a bit frustrated and asked why she couldn't do it. Anyone who knows me will know that I don't raise my voice, I don't shout, I don't get angry - to the point where I don't actually know how to behave in an argument! This lady then started ranting at me, telling me to not get angry, that it wasn't her fault and that she didn't like my tone. I rolled my eyes - for crying out loud she was acting as if I was shouting and screaming (which I most certainly wasn't). Then she ranted about me rolling my eyes. Next thing you know she pulls out the paperwork and right there in front of me cancels my membership. I have the signed form to prove it.
So, in order to cancel my membership I had to be a pain. They wanted me to see the "Customer Service Officer" whose role was probably to convince me that I didn't need to quit, what I needed to do was give them more money and sign up for a year long contract. Apparently there are facebook groups dedicated to how much they hate this gym and horror stories about getting out of memberships.
I'm really angry about this - but more so I am angry that this woman got so upset as if I were the most awful customer on the planet and how could I possibly be so rude! I worked at restaurants that catered to the multitude when I was at uni - I copped a great deal more than a frustrated question and a roll of the eyes. The reason I'm upset is because I feel guilty for being that customer, because I feel for the poor students who have to put up with that behaviour, and I shouldn't feel guilty because she was extremely unhelpful and I wasn't angry or rude.
I probably could have handled the whole situation a lot better I know, but it is done, I'm out of that useless drain on my finances and I can focus solely and completely on getting healthy and not feeling guilty for wasting money for a bad service I didn't use.

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