Monday, January 11, 2010

100 Day Challenge, Week 1

So, after much swirling around in the muck that occasionally infests my head, I am out and enjoying the sunshine, and so here is my first week of the 100 day challenge!
Day 1: I brought lots of low-point snack food into work with me so that I can handle those totally predictable mid morning and afternoon cravings without resorting to packets of chips or drinks of coke!
Day 2: Water, water, water. This has always been a large failing of mine. I never drink enough water. My dear BF drinks enough for the two of us! But, he has been a good influence on me and I now carry a water bottle with me wherever I go. I went through about 4 bottles of water at work on day two and became quite intimate with the toilet stalls (since I was visiting far more frequently than in the past!) but felt great.
Day 3: My at work breakfast. I love it. 2 slices multigrain bread toasted, 1/4 avocado, 2 tbs cottage cheese, 2 slices (ie. 1 serve) of the Hans country smoked ham, fresh tomato & pepper. 4.5 points.
Day 4: I had a rough afternoon on Thursday, and needed a drink. I ended up having two bottles of beer, but, being a good WW girl, I totally tracked it anyway! So, this is a picture of my online tracker counting those beers...
Day 5: My Wii fit. I am slowly falling in love with this little guy. When you're at it and sweating you're wondering why since it really isn't that hard, and then you get that muscle soreness the next day and realise how awesome the Wii fit truly is. Go Wii fit! AND go darling BF who bought me the Wii & Wii fit for my birthday in December (not totally magnanimous, he gets to play with it too!) (of course I forgot to send the photo of the wii-fit to myself so this is a photo I thieved from the internet)
Day 6: Today I took a walk at Walk-About-Creek in Brisbane Forest Park where I used to go all the time when I was a teenager as it is such a beautiful and peaceful place. I basked in the niceness of it all and remembered how much I enjoy getting out and about.
Day 7: Kitty! This is Oscar who is most wayward and naughty. He has up until now been an indoor cat, but my mother feels I am driving him insane using this method as he was born free and feral. Lately he has been playing up so I am trialing letting him out during the day (I'll never let him stay out at night though, got to protect at least some of the wildlife!), and today I followed him around and we played a few games of chase - a fun and silly way to get some exercise!

1 comment:

  1. Sarah, well done and welcome to the challenge! You're making lots of positive choices and I'm glad to hear you're out of your funk and into the sunshine. Thankfully, I'm out of mine and in the sunshine with you :)

    I'm so looking forward to hearing all about your BEAUTIFUL 2010 :)

