Thursday, January 14, 2010

A good-ish week

So far this week has been awesome. I have moved on from the 56 point day of horror and am eating well. I have cooked at home two nights in a row using WW recipes - I halved the recipes (they were for 4 and as my darling boyfriend is down in SA for work for the next few weeks it seems a waste to cook that much food) and then I have a meal and lunch for the next day. So far I've had the quick chilli con carne (which is awesome and I highly recommend it!) and last night the spaghetti carbonara which was tasty but not as tasty as the chilli con carne (seriously in love with that meal... looking forward to cooking it for my darling man when he comes home because he'll love it too!).
I have two more at home meals this week from my monthly planner and they are the mushroom curry and the chicken fried rice. I have all the required ingredients at home and am prepared to cook!
The meals on my planner for next week are:
I've decided it is actually a good thing that I will be trying all these recipes whilst my darling man is away as it gives me the chance to make sure they do taste good before I ask him to eat them. Also I want him to do some of the cooking (I'm really not much of a cook!) so he'll feel better about that if he likes the food!
Also, I've decided that all high-point desserts in the house (can't deny everyone desserts can I?) should be chocolate or have chocolate in them. That way I will never be tempted to eat them (I am 3 years chocolate free now and have greater will-power in resisting chocolate than I do at losing weight!). I've kept a chocolate box in the fridge for darling man for the last year and that works pretty well.
Hope everyone is having a rocking Thursday!


  1. Hey Sarah

    What a great idea; I like to trial things before I cook them for other people too, because I am not so trusting of cooking capabilities! Lol.

    Glad to see your plan in place, makes things a tinsy bit easier.

    Great to have you back :)

    Cassie xoxo

  2. Hey Cassie! It is working well. So far I love one meal, liked another (but the carbonara is no good for taking to work the next day, mental note) and tonight the chicken fried rice was okay, nothing to write home about...

    I feel more capable of controlling my intake when things are planned! Should have planned dessert this evening though and then I wouldn't have had ice cream... ah well, tomorrow is another day!
