Monday, January 18, 2010

100 Day Challenge: Week 2

At Weigh in this morning I lost 300g. Not a huge loss but I haven't been particularly awesome this week and I did have a brilliant loss last week. Week 3, here we come!
Day 8: I know I've done water before but this is what I was focussing on today so I'm putting it in again!
Day 9: I did a silly thing and allowed myself to get too hungry and therefore made a poor food choice. I had Japanese (could have been much worse!) which I then tracked. This is a picture of what I had (yaki soba - i had to search the internet for this!) and a reminder that allowing myself to get hungry is a bad thing.
Day 10: I am not much of a cook. This is a combination of not having any talent for it and being lazy. So, on Tuesday night, I took a quick look through my WW recipes and picked one that didn't require me to go to the supermarket, and cooked! (my plans for a month of weekly menus has been slightly delayed as my partner is away for a month and I need to re-inspire myself!). I halved the recipe so there was a meal for me last night and a meal for my lunch today. Yay!
Day 11: Orange! I am not a fruit person, not at all. I sent a copy of my daily food to my friend Loz who then ordered me out to get some fruit - so, I got some and I had fruit 3 days last week! Go me!
Day 12: I am replacing my juice and soft drink addiction (for the time being) with coke zero. So I keep a stash of it in the fridge and get to have one when I come home from work.
Day 13: This is Joanna Newsom, I went to see her perform on Saturday night and it was lovely. We took the train and then walked to the venue so I managed to get my steps up for the day and see this awesome singer - how can you not be awesome if you play a harp?
Day 14: Once again I failed to take a picture but last night I made this awesome WW recipe that left me very satisfied and it was only 4 points! The Mushroom Curry. Brilliant...

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